The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a functional collaboration between the Feed the Future (FtF) Bangladesh Policy LINK Agricultural Policy Activity (Policy Activity) managed by DAI on behalf of USAID (hereinafter referred to as “Policy Activity”) and BSAFE Foundation and outline the anticipated joint activities and contributions to shared learning, reform, and enactment of the National Food Safety Policy. Through this collaboration, the two Parties will co-create strategies to streamline the current policy and regulatory practices, address challenges, and create an enabling environment for an enhanced engagement of all relevant platforms and jointly work to strengthen the food safety sector in Bangladesh. By closely coordinating the efforts of the Policy Activity and BSAFE under this Agreement, both organizations will leverage their respective resources to achieve impacts jointly.
BSAFE and Policy Link (??) Activity will collaborate to advance food safety policy issues with key system actors. A proposed work plan is shown below on possible areas of collaboration (not limited to): Areas : 1. Policies related to food safety and nutrition 2. Strengthen coordination among food safety stakeholders (public and private) 3. Building awareness on importance of food safety policy Proposed activities :
1. Review of existing policies related to food safety and nutrition to identify the disconnect in policy and policy implementation.
2. Organize stakeholder discussions on the outcome of the review to identify strength and weaknesses and redundancies
3. Recommend further actions to policy makers to deal with weaknesses and redundancies. 4. Organize technical workshops / roundtable / executive seminars /consultations / talk shows to discuss food safety and nutrition policy issues and recommendations. 5. Development and finalization of “white paper / policy briefs” on food safety policy issues and recommendations. 6. Create a network of stakeholders to encourage partnership among all stakeholders of the value chain. 7. Strengthen leadership and management capacity of the public-private food safety actors. 8. Strengthen the value chain for safe and nutritious food. 9. Prepare a shadow agricultural budget emphasizing budgetary provisions to invest in food safety and nutrition areas. 10. Share the shadow budget with other stakeholders and the government’s policy makers. 11. Engage with the government to implement recommendations. 12. Strengthen awareness / sensitization on food safety policy.